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What is an Interview Coach?

An Interview Coach is an excellent resource to help you prepare for the interview process. Many job seekers feel overwhelmed, nervous, and even scared of the interview process, especially if they haven’t ever interviewed before or haven’t interviewed in a while. An Interview Coach is appraised of all the latest interview trends and knows all of the most popular interview questions. A professional interview coach will help you prepare, teach, and even practice interviewing.

Here are some of the ways an Interview Coach can help you:

  • Build Confidence– Confidence is often key during an interview process, and it’s something most people can’t fake. If you enter the interview unprepared and unsure of what the process might be like, then you will likely be nervous, uncomfortable, and timid. Working with Heartland Resumes will help you be prepared, comfortable, and confident when you go into the interview.
  • Practice Negotiation- Here’s a benefit you may not be aware of! An interview coach may be able to help prepare you for salary and benefits negotiation. Many job seekers are timid or don’t know how to approach this topic. Being able to negotiate well can really impact your bottom line if you don’t negotiate wisely.A coach to help you prepare for interviews can make a difference in your job skills.
  • Practice Answers- There are some things in life that you will do better with practice, and interviewing is absolutely one of them. Maybe you’re new to the job market, or perhaps it’s been a long time since your last interview. The interview process has changed a lot over the years, and a coach for interviewing will help you practice answering some of the most common interview questions.
  • Receive Detailed Feedback- You may already be really good at interviewing. Or you have a nervous behavior you don’t realize you have. For instance, saying “um” or forgetting to make eye contact. These small improvements could make a big difference in whether or not you get hired.
  • Help with “Word-smithing”- Do you have a gap in employment? Were you let go from your last job? Are you brand new to the field? These topics can be difficult to discuss with a potential employer, and the words you choose can make all of the difference. A coach will help you “word-smith” your answers to ensure you are seen in the best possible light during the interview.

A Heartland Resumes interview coach is a worthwhile investment in your career! Contact or call us at 402-215-8238 to hire one of our professional Interview Coaches today!