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Choose a Certified Professional Resume Writer.

For many, a Certified Professional Resume Writer is foreign, so why choose a CPRW? A Certified Professional Resume Writer is someone who has never crossed their radar. The Professional Association of Resume Writers created the CPRW certification process in 1991. This process is designed to bring a higher degree of credibility to the resume-writing industry. To this day, the CPRW certification is still the most widely recognized certificate in resume writing. These credentials automatically guarantee that your resume is being crafted by a professional.A CPRW is a Certfied Professional Resume Writer and Heartlanf Resumes, Omaha has them!

The certification process includes a 4 module test in which a panel of esteemed judges reviews a mock resume and a cover letter. The CPRW credential is awarded to those who have earned the credential by passing the PARW/CC resume writing exam and abiding by the Code of Ethics established by PARW/CC.

Just as you would not entrust your taxes to a nonprofessional accountant or your health to a nonprofessional medical professional, do not trust the future of your career to a nonprofessional CPRW.

There are very few Professional Resume Writers in our area. Heartland Resumes has them and only uses CPRW to create resumes for our clients. We have been providing professional resume writing results for years. Do not trust anyone else with your professional future. 

Get started working with one of our professional CPRW today