Interviewing? Get ready for this question- Are you a Team Player?

In almost every interview, you are asked, “Are you a team player?” The obvious answer is “yes,” to this question; however, interviewers will ask to order to determine if you are able to support a team and work well with others. Think about this question and prepare yourself to have an example of when you demonstrated this behavior.Are you a team player? That is one of the most asked questions in an interview. Find out how to pprepare for this question for your next interview or call Heartland Resumes for interview coaching help.

Questions to consider before your interview:

  • Are you helpful?
  • Do you enjoy collaborating with others and discussing new ideas with your co-workers?
  • Are you able to effectively communicate with people with different personalities or even complex personalities?
  • Do you know how to reconcile conflicts and motivate people?
  • Are you cautious in your communication method?

After answering these five questions, you will clearly understand how best to address the question “Are you a team player” in your next interview.  

Today, with a hybrid work environment, meaning work done in the office and from home, this question is still relevant. In fact, being a team player in the face of these more challenging work environments can be more difficult and important.

If you would like to discuss this question in more depth or for interview coaching, click here to see the services Heartland Resumes offers its customers. 


This article was originally published in May 2020 and has been recently updated.