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Employers are looking for you on LinkedIn. Be ready with Professional Profile Editing and Writing from Heartland Resumes.

LinkedIn sold for over $25 Billion in 2016. How can that be? Because year after year, more hiring managers across the U.S. are exclusively looking for potential employee candidates by reviewing and looking for that perfect LinkedIn profile.LinkedIn Profiles are an important part of your job search and maximizing the professionalism of the profile is one of the services Heartland Resumes, Omaha offers customers.

The Recruiters and hiring managers looking for their next hire and maybe looking for you- are no exception. Just like your resume, your LinkedIn profile needs to stand out. Our LinkedIn experts can make this happen for you. We will take your current profile and maximize your candidate opportunity to ensure your best possible chance of landing the highest quality interviews. Your profile is a pivotal tool in your job search. You have to make sure it’s properly constructed!

Get professional writing assistance with your LinkedIn profile.

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If you already have a LinkedIn profile but are unsure how to use it to your advantage? Check out our blog on growing your career with LinkedIn.